Monday, April 24, 2006

Garden Envy

This entry could also be called, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the Mississippi". I just returned from a trip back to Georgia, where I lived for about five years. Mid-April looks very different in Georgia than it does in Colorado. In fact, the gardens in Georgia look different than Colorado anytime of the year. I stood looking at the house I had once lived in and admired all the plants that I had so tenderly planted and nurtured. There are gardenias, hostas, ferns, iris and more that were lush and green. The smell of blossoms hung in the air along with the smell of fresh laid pine straw. There is something magical about the gardens in the South. Now I am back in Colorado and it is snowing. The only thing that looks lush and green is my sunroom that is growing the plants that will be planted in my garden when the weather is warmer. It is hard not to get discouraged, but years ago I got a wall hanging from someone that said, "Bloom where you are planted". That may sound trite but it is true. Sometime in July, I will be standing in my garden admiring my Dephiniums, daisies, dahlias, and sunflowers and it will be magical. It may not be my Georgia garden but Colorado has a beauty all it's own. So don't get discouraged, summer is right around the corner.

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